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Backpack and Bad Back EurailTour ’21 . . . featuring Stevie Ricks
October 13, 2021 . . . just a few months ago . . . in Timisoara, Romania – Land of Dracula
Staring me in the face was a pitch-black passageway leading to . . . who knows where. I took a deep breath and said “here we go.”
With only the light of my iPhone screen I ventured forth into the unknown. After about 40 feet I saw a staircase leading up to . . . more darkness.
As I hit the landing, a blood curdling howl, followed by some vicious sounding barking stopped me dead in my tracks. Not waiting to see what was making that sound, I hobbled back down and onto the street – driving rain notwithstanding.
Had I imagined this actually happening just weeks earlier sitting on my comfy couch in Las Vegas, I’d probably still be sitting there.
“You’re gonna do WHAT?,” some friends asked.
“Oh, I’m gonna get a 90-day Eurail pass and just sit on trains all day, staring at the scenery,” I replied nonchalantly. “Just me and a backpack – I’ll stay in hostels and travel all over Europe.”
Yeah, right.
The address of where my hostel was SUPPOSED to be matched up to the decrepit tile numbers on the small wall plaque – although the darkness and driving rain made it hard to see. Everything was pitch black darkness – with only the faint glow of a bar down the street providing any light. My iPhone was useless – the battery being down to almost zero from a full days usage.
It was late; I was tired, hungry, wet and lost. I was in a tough spot.
Where ARE you, Inverve Hostel?
Get on with your story, Stevie – you obviously survived.
I paused for a few moments, in the still driving rain, to gather my wits. I hurried down to the bar hoping to get some help from a local. There was a young man at the door of the nearly deserted bar. It wasn’t exactly a great night to go out partying. I opened with “English?” . . . this technique had been working very well me so far – short, concise and to the point!!!
The young man replied with “yes!”, which unfortunately turned out to be the only word of English he knew.
Did I mention that I was in Romania? Where they speak Romanian – and nothing else?
Well, he was of no help. What to do. I had no WiFi connection – just my backpack, an almost dead phone – I was soaked like a drowned rat – things were not looking good.
Oh – by the way? I’m 65, with an artificial hip and a survivor of 4 open heart surgeries. What was I even DOING taking a trip like this – looking for hostels and getting lost in an unknown eastern European country most famous for its vampires?
And then, I realized that my entire life had prepared me for an adventure like this – and that I was gonna figure it out.
I mustered up whatever we muster up and headed back to the . . . cavern/crypt/mausoleum. If the address was correct, it had to be there somewhere . . . right?
I plunged back into the void of the hallway and started to climb the stairs. And right on cue, the hound of the Baskervilles started up. I determined right there and then that if I were to be devoured by a hellhound, at least Anderson Cooper would tell the world about it. He IS our modern day Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, after all.
I yelled “shut up” to the hound and continued climbing. I reached the 1st floor landing and was met by a small sign pointing upwards, with the name of the hostel on it!!! Yes!!!!
Accompanied by the baying of the unknown creature, I made it to the second floor – which had a dim light bulb hanging from the ceiling. I was on a balcony which even though still outdoors, was protected from the rain. And, there were what looked like 4 doors.
The first door had some opaque glass with the name of the hostel AND hours of operation.
Reception closes at 5pm. I looked at my Fitbit – 7:38pm. Curse you, Romanian border patrol that delayed our train from entering the country three hours earlier – when we were supposed to.
There was also a handy phone number to call, which ONLY works if you sign up for the convenient Verizon European roaming plan at an affordable $359.99 per day.
At this point I had absolutely both nothing and everything to lose. And so, I ventured slowly down the balcony. The first two doors were both dingy and the windows next to them were dark. I stopped at the third door – and low and behold – a sign! “Inverve Hostel Room #1”
Thank you, Jesus!!!!
Now – before you get too excited, I was not out of the woods yet. I didn’t have phone service, a WiFi connection and most importantly, a key to get inside! I just had a door with a sign. At least I was out of the rain.
Faith, Stevie! Where’s your faith!!!
And so, I went old-school: I knocked on the door!
I knocked a few times . . . and nothing. But then, I heard feet on the floor and through the darkened and dirty opaque window saw a vague movement slowly approaching me. Now, if that was Dracula himself, he would’ve flown, so my heart leapt in anticipation!
. . . is this what I would find? . . .
A second later the door, creaking on its hinges, slowly opened and . . .
Hello! My name is Bob “Stevie Ricks” Sluys . . . Jump on board with me, won’t you – as I take you on a trip of a lifetime – an adventure unlike any other: trains, trams, hostels, airbnb’s, 16 countries; all with only a backpack and my iPhone. Insights, commentary, travel tips, tons of pictures – some humor and an escape from the Covid lock down.
Welcome aboard!
Awesome start my friend! My two cents: turn the title around - it rolls off the tongue better - "Backpack and Bad Back..." Congratulations on the start of this wonderful literate tour.
What an adventure! Stories and adventures like these make me see the magic in the world again. Can't wait to read more!